人教新起点二年级英语上册2A电子课本,Unit 1 MyFamily、Unit 2 Boys and Girls、Unit 3 My Friends、Unit 4 In the Community、Unit 5 In the Park、Unit 6 Happy Holidays。Please wait while flipbook is loading. For m...

人教新起点一年级英语下册电子课本,Unit 1 Classroom、Unit 2 Room、Unit 3 Toys、Unit 4 Food、Unit 5 Drink、Unit 6。Where is the ruler?On the desk. It's on the desk.Put your shoolbag under the chair. Put your s...

人教新起点一年级英语上册电子课本,unit 1 School、unit 2 Face、Unit 3 Animals、unit 4 Numbers、unit 5 Colours、Unit6 lesson1 Fruit。Good morning I'm Miss Wu. What's your name? Hello! My name is Bill.Good aft...